2024-2025 Breeding/Kidding Programs
The 2024 Fall kids began arriving in October 2024. This was the first kidding of the Tennessee doelings purchased in 2023. Featured bucks were J-I Tristan and WCF Power Blast (aka 'Papa'). What absolutely gorgeous kids! The kids from this kidding season are weaned and ready for pick-up.
The next group of kids is expected to be arriving ~mid-March 2025. Featured bucks include: J-I Captain Nemo and WCF Power Blast. The dams are a range of young and older does. With only one first-time dam, the rest have already given us a number of strong and exceptional kids. We can't wait for the new kids to arrive!!!
The 2025 spring breeding will start in May, with kids arriving in mid-October-November. Although the featured sires have not yet been confirmed, this will be the first breeding with some of the incredible young bucks from 2024...most likely J-I Spitfire, J-I Joss, and J-I Edgar.
Our kids are weaned and available for pick-up at 8-12 weeks. Unless otherwise arranged, all kids will be dis-budded and CDT-vaccinated. We will be constantly updating this page, so look here for the latest news and photo updates!
See below for photos of Spring 2024 kids.